Our Projects

RE Future has lodged applications for Development Approval with the Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning (DELWP) to construct the following wind farms in Western Victoria.

Brewster Wind Farm 

Brewster Wind Farm will consist of up to six wind turbine generators located on privately owned land approximately 4 km east of Trawalla, Victoria. The turbines will have a combined capacity of 40 megawatts (MW) and will connect into an existing powerline adjacent to the site so no new powerlines will need to be built. The turbines will produce enough power for over 33,000 homes. For more information about Brewster Wind Farm click here.

Mumblin Wind Farm

Mumblin Wind Farm will consist of approximately ten wind turbine generators located on privately owned land near Cobden in Victoria. The turbines will have a combined capacity of approximately 60 megawatts (MW), and will generate enough power for approximately 35,000 homes. For more information about Mumblin Wind Farm click here.